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Do Not Worry...

Worry is where we mull over, ponder, and think of a negative outcome until it causes stress, anxiety, dread, and ultimately fear. We usually see things turning out very badly, and imagine the worst case scenario. We can't see that anything will get any better, only worse.

What we know about the soul is whatever we continue to think about things, it affects our emotions. And so anxiety, stress, and fear begin to take over and dominate us. From this point we start to make decisions based on all this negative thinking because this is how we feel. We can tend to withdraw, avoid, shrink back, or try to work things out in our own strength. But Jesus Christ says "Do Not Worry?"

The reason Jesus said for us not to worry is because of who our Father is. He created everything by His word, He created us, and He is all love, all power, all knowing. So if we are believers, then we are also sons and daughters of God.

We have full access to all his help, wisdom, power, which dwells in us right now. If He is already in your heart, then everything you need is on the inside of you by the Holy Spirit. So then, the battle is in our minds, our imaginations, and this is where worry begins. What are we allowing in our minds? What are we allowing our imaginations to see?

We have got to be intentional on what we think on. This is why Jesus Christ, in his Sermon on the Mount, says "don't be like those who don't know God". Don't go down the wrong path to get things in your own strength, stressing and worrying. But seek God, seek His kingdom ways, seek His promises, seek His word in your situation. Think on these things, look at these things in your thoughts and imaginations.

Where you are looking is key. Whatever you put your attention on is the direction you will head in. Faith in God and His Word, and always looking at His words, your eyes on Him. We know when we are worrying and anxious, we have taken our attention away from God and His Kingdom ways and put them back on our own abilities and strength. But 2 Peter 1 says - "We have already been given all we need for life and godliness through the promises of God. This is not easy, as there are plenty of things going to tell you it's not true."

So what kingdom are you operating in today? Where are you looking today? The Kingdom of God - operates by faith and trust in God's ways, God's word. All the other kingdoms of the world operate in stress, fear, worry, and anxiety. Jesus came to deliver us from all of this, by showing us a different way to lie in His kingdom.

So I ask you, which kingdom do you want to live in today? In Matthew, chapter 6, Jesus gives us a road map on how to navigate this kingdom and not to lean on our own ideas, or notions, or motives. We need to die to selfishness, submit ourselves daily to God's purpose and plans for our lives, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us down the path of righteousness. This is a remedy to eliminate the fears out and away from our lives. Read the chapter below and keep it close to your heart and mind. Be well...

Matthew Chapter 6:


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